What did Team Serchem get up to in 2023?
Posted 18/01/2024
We know we make a difference here at Serchem with our range of products, innovation and first class customer service.
However, we do more than that – we ensure we make a difference to our team and their families and to the communities around us. Why? Because it is important to us and we are more than just a chemical company.
So what did our small (but mighty!) team get up to in 2023?
Birthday time for Serchem! Yes we turned 42 years old in 2023 – always a great excuse for a tipple or two! Our 43rd birthday will soon be here and as the pandemic ruined any chance of a party for our 40th anniversary, maybe 2024 is the year to make up for it?
Our wonderful Commercial Director (and we mean really, really wonderful) Alison Arnold – the woman who steers the Serchem ship, keeps us all happy and is simply amazing – marked 20 years at Serchem.
Alison proudly tells staff how she has done every job at Serchem so when people face any problems or have any questions she knows exactly how they feel – it’s also very useful if we are ever short staffed in any areas of the business as we know Alison will be the first to jump in!
It is wonderful to see Alison’s son following in her footsteps in the business too – they make quite the duo!
We marked Plastic Free July as we continue with our 2020 pledge to remove 500,000 single use plastic containers from our product range.
In order to achieve this we have introduced compostable bedside pots to our endoscopy range and a range of other products too in order to help the planet for future generations. We will continue with our pledge throughout 2024 and beyond.
Being in hospital over the Christmas period for anyone of any age is pretty miserable but being in hospital on Christmas Day when you are a child is terribly sad.
Our team at Serchem decided they wanted to help put a smile on the faces of the youngsters on Ward 19 – the Children’s Ward – at the Princess Royal Hospital in our home town of Telford so that’s what we did.
Our wonderful staff members collected presents for the children and we delivered them to the ward in time for the big day.
We’re always thinking about what our Christmas time donation will be this year.
Our last big challenge was in 2022 and saw us take on the National Three Peaks Challenge raising over £3,000 for the mental health charity Mind.
Our aim was to raise £500 and we clearly smashed that and our aim was to complete the challenge within 24 hours – and we smashed that too (just!) 23 hours, 51 minutes and one second later and we were done – literally! We would have knocked off a few more hours if the M6 had not created extra detour challenges!
Production and packing senior supervisor, Ben Edwards, came up with the idea and Dominic Arnold, Sam Bailey, Kaine Coldicutt, Garry Horrigan and Gary Roberts embarked on the challenge with Amanda Davidson getting behind the wheel as the epic driver. It is definitely time we set ourselves another challenge – come on Team Serchem answers on a postcard please!
Of course we’ve marked birthdays, company anniversaries and the birth of a couple of new, very cute, Serchem recruits too (don’t worry they aren’t on the books just yet!) – we love to celebrate success and the success and happiness of our team here at Serchem is all a part of that.
2024 is going to be a busy year following our rebrand so the team will be flying all over the world, flying the Serchem flag and making a difference.
We will still be supporting our communities, raising money for charity and doing our bit to make a difference so please email hannah.lewis@serchem.co.uk if you have any special requests for community support in any way or would like to be considered as our charity of the year.