As a trusted, family business and a leading expert in our field, we have over 40 years of invaluable experience.
In that time, we’ve built up the most comprehensive range of more than 700 products and services to answer every challenge. We’re proud to be using all of this choice and expertise for the Healthcare and Catering & Hospitality sectors, helping everyone from the NHS to top hotels, major pub groups, automotive companies and train operators to achieve the ultimate in hygiene and decontamination.
But rest assured, the highest standards don’t come with a high price tag. Based in the heart of the UK, our significant efficiencies in production and distribution are passed on to you with very competitive costs and fast deliveries. And as well as working with you as a partner, we build strong, strategic alliances with respected brands to give you even greater choice and value.
So you can count on us to keep delivering. Keep developing. And keep giving you the very best service.

+ Made in Britain
At Serchem we’re proud of our family business values and principles which are an integral part of why our name is so trusted for delivering the very best in hygiene and decontamination. Located in the heart of England, we’re equally proud to be part of the Made in Britain organisation, a growing community of businesses renowned for manufacturing to the very highest standards in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. So when you see the emblem with its forward direction arrow stamped on all of our products, it signals loud and clear the quality of everything we make and the innovative, progressive approach we take to creating the very best solutions for you.