Happy 40th birthday to Serchem!
Posted 17/03/2021
A Telford business is celebrating 40 years of chemical manufacturing, proudly providing service, economy and reliability to all.
Serchem, based on Hortonwood in Telford, has seen growth over the four decades with global contracts in recent years.
The firm manufactures premium chemical products for the catering, laundry and medical decontamination sectors.
Global contracts included a £1million project with the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia.
Andrew and Alison Arnold, Serchem owners said: “We would like to express our extreme thanks to all our customers and suppliers for providing valued support and custom over the years.
“A massive thank you must also go to an outstanding team past and present for always working tirelessly and rising to challenges no matter what – we would not still be here after all these years without you all.
“Here’s to many more successful and happy years ahead.”
Celebrations had to be put on hold due to the pandemic but staff plan to celebrate the milestone when they can.
Serchem manufactures hundreds of products used in healthcare and in facilities across the globe.
We have found some historical pictures from the early days – Serchem down the lane.
The firm is proud to be a leading British manufacturer offering first class customer service, innovation and progression.