Meet Daniel
Posted 26/04/2024
Name – Daniel Collins
Q: What is your job title?
Daniel: “Senior Sales Representative and Technical Lead.”
Q: What does this involve?
Daniel: “Selling our quality products into the medical sector and providing technical support.”
Q: What is the best thing about working at Serchem and why?
Daniel: “For me it is definitely the family ethos. We work together really well and everyone has their speciality. In addition, it is the quality products we provide as a company that makes the job special.”
Q: Tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
Daniel: “Difficult question . . . but I can wiggle my right ear, if that counts!”
Q: What advice would you give to your younger self?
Daniel: “Believe in yourself. Every decision is important and the choice you make is right.”
Q: What is your favourite food and why?
Daniel: “I absolutely love a good spicy Indian curry, my favourite dish is Butter Chicken Madras Hot. I found it while at Arab Health in a restaurant that sold blue cocktails in measuring cylinders, which is quite fitting really as we sell Blue Chemical.”
Q: Do you have any hobbies?
Daniel: “I’m a Cadet Forces Adult Volunteer in the Royal Air Force Air Cadets and have been doing that for 10 years. I was a cadet growing up and I think it’s nice to be able to pass on what I learnt and enjoyed to the youth of today. I really wanted to join the RAF when I was younger but ended up in other employment.”
Q: What are your aspirations for the future?
Daniel: “To travel around Canada in an RV – maybe I could do that as a travelling salesman in North America?”
Q: What is your favourite quote?
Daniel: “‘Where we’re going we don’t need roads’, from Back to the Future, my favourite film series! And by the way, the West End show is awesome.”
Q: Where’s the most amazing place you’ve travelled to and why?
Daniel: “That has got to be travelling to Kuala Lumpur with Serchem to deliver a talk on our products to decontamination professionals. It was my longest journey away from home but what an experience it was, stepping out of my comfort zone and standing in front of 500 people. It’s a beautiful country and I also conquered my fear of heights while I was there by going up the Petronas Twin Towers.”
Q: What advice would you give to the next generation of the workforce coming through Serchem?
Daniel:“Rome wasn’t built in a day and the relationships with customers aren’t either. However they do start on day one! Make sure that first impression is right and never over-promise!”